2019학년도 수능 영어
33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Heritage is concerned with the ways in which very selective material artefacts, mythologies, memories and traditions become resources for the present. The contents, interpretations and representations of the resource are selected according to the demands of the present; an imagined past provides resources for a heritage that is to be passed onto an imagined future. It follows too that the meanings and functions of memory and tradition are defined in the present. Further, heritage is more concerned with meanings than material artefacts. It is the former that give value, either cultural or financial, to the latter and explain why they have been selected from the near infinity of the past. In turn, they may later be discarded as the demands of present societies change, or even, as is presently occurring in the former Eastern Europe, when pasts have to be reinvented to reflect new presents. Thus heritage is _________________________. [3점]

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빈칸 문장
글의 1/3 부분에 빈칸이 있는 경우,
주제 문장 ~ 빈칸 뒤 문장
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글의 1/3 부분에 빈칸이 있는 경우:
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Heritage is concerned with the ways in which very selective material artefacts, mythologies, memories and traditions become resources for the present.
In turn, they may later be discarded as the demands of present societies change, or even, as is presently occurring in the former Eastern Europe, when pasts have to be reinvented to reflect new presents.
Thus heritage is _________________________.
In turn, they ~.에서 they의 뜻을 알 수 없어, 앞부분에서 찾아야 합니다. 그래서 [3점]인 것 같습니다.
① a collection of memories and traditions of a society ② as much about forgetting as remembering the past ③ neither concerned with the present nor the future ④ a mirror reflecting the artefacts of the past ⑤ about preserving universal cultural values
①, ⑤는 결국 같은 말(collection = preserving)이니 답이 될 수 없습니다. ② 과거를 기억하는 것만큼이나 잊는 것도 중요하다. ③ 전혀 말이 되지 않습니다. ④ artefacts에 대해서만 말하고 있습니다.
In turn 뒤에는 중요한 말이 옵니다. In turn, they may later be discarded ~. Thus heritage is ____________.
- in turn의 뜻(2개): because of that; one after the other
- may가 여기에서는 Your answer may be right.처럼 사용되었습니다. 참고로 Your answer might be right.와는 뜻이 많이 다릅니다.
원문에는 어떻게 적혀 있는지 비교해보면 재미있겠죠?
Author: G.J Ashworth is Professor at the Faculty of Spatial Science, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Brian Graham is Professor at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Ulster, UK.
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