2019학년도 수능 영어
30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Europe’s first Homo sapiens lived primarily on large game, particularly reindeer. Even under ideal circumstances, hunting these fast animals with spear or bow and arrow is an ① uncertain task. The reindeer, however, had a ②weakness that mankind would mercilessly exploit: it swam poorly. While afloat, it is uniquely ③ vulnerable, moving slowly with its antlers held high as it struggles to keep its nose above water. At some point, a Stone Age genius realized the enormous hunting ④ advantage he would gain by being able to glide over the water’s surface, and built the first boat. Once the ⑤ laboriously overtaken and killed prey had been hauled aboard, getting its body back to the tribal camp would have been far easier by boat than on land. It would not have taken long for mankind to apply this advantage to other goods.
* exploit: 이용하다 ** haul: 끌어당기다

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① is an uncertain task = 불확실한 일이다
② had a weakness = 약점이 있었다
③ it is uniquely vulnerable, moving slowly = 천천히 움직이는 것은 공격받기 쉽다
④ realized the enormous hunting advantage = 깨달았다 사냥 때에 얻게 되는 엄청난 이점을
⑤ the laboriously overtaken and killed prey = 그 애써서 잡은 죽은 먹잇감
Main idea를 떠 올려서 ①~⑤를 읽어야 합니다.
문장 하나씩 읽을 때마다 앞 문장들과 부드럽게 연결되었는지 확인하세요.
원문에는 어떻게 적혀 있는지 비교해보면 재미있겠죠?
Author: William L Bernstein, Ph.D., M.D., is a retired neurologist in Oregon. Known for his website on asset allocation and portfolio theory Efficient Frontier, Dr. Bernstein is also a co-principal in the money management firm Efficient Frontier Advisors, has authored several best-selling books on finance and history, and is often quoted in the national financial media.
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