2017학년도 수능 영어 6월 모의평가 (2016/6)
36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
The ancient Greeks sought to improve memory through brain training methods such as memory palaces and the method of loci. At the same time, they and the Egyptians became experts at externalizing information, inventing the modern library, a grand storehouse for externalized knowledge.
This need isn’t simply learned; it is a biological imperative — animals organize their environments instinctively. Most mammals are biologically programmed to put their digestive waste away from where they eat and sleep.
We don’t know why these simultaneous explosions of intellectual activity occurred when they did (perhaps daily human experience had hit a certain level of complexity). But the human need to organize our lives, our environment, even our thoughts, remains strong.
Dogs have been known to collect their toys and put them in baskets; ants carry off dead members of the colony to burial grounds; certain birds and rodents create barriers around their nests in order to more easily detect invaders.
* method of loci: 장소를 활용한 기억법
** rodent: 설치류 동물

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