2017학년도 수능 영어 6월 모의평가 (2016/6)
25. Sequoyah에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Sequoyah, a Cherokee Indian, was born in about 1770 in Taskigi, now in Tennessee. Raised by his Cherokee mother, the young Sequoyah never learned to read or write English. While interacting with English speakers, he realized the necessity of a writing system for the Cherokee people. In about 1809, Sequoyah began developing a system of writing, adapting letters from English, Greek, and Hebrew. By 1821, he had created a system of 86 symbols, representing all the syllables of the Cherokee language. The Cherokee people began to use the system in their schools and publish books and newspapers in their language. In 1824, the General Council of the Eastern Cherokees awarded Sequoyah a medal in honor of his accomplishment. Sequoyah moved to Oklahoma some years later and died in what is now Texas in 1843. And later, people remembered him by naming a certain tree species “Sequoia.”
* syllable: 음절

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