Still, it is arguable that advertisers worry rather too much
about this problem, as advertising in other media has
always been fragmented.
The fragmentation of television audiences during recent
decades, which has happened throughout the globe as new
channels have been launched everywhere, has caused advertisers
much concern. ( ① ) Advertisers look back nostalgically to the
years when a single spot transmission would be seen by the
majority of the population at one fell swoop. ( ② ) This made
the television advertising of mass consumer products relatively
straightforward ― not to say easy ― whereas today it is necessary
for advertisers to build up coverage of their target markets over
time, by advertising on a host of channels with separate
audiences. ( ③ ) Moreover, advertisers gain considerable
benefits from the price competition between the numerous
broadcasting stations. ( ④ ) And television remains much the
fastest way to build up public awareness of a new brand or a new
campaign. ( ⑤ ) Seldom does a new brand or new campaign
that solely uses other media, without using television, reach high
levels of public awareness very quickly. [3점]
* fragment: 조각내다 ** at one fell swoop: 단번에, 일거에