It may be easier to reach an agreement when settlement terms don’t have to be implemented until months in the future.
Negotiators should try to find ways to slice a large issue into smaller pieces, known as using salami tactics. ( ① ) Issues that can be expressed in quantitative, measurable units are easy to slice. ( ② ) For example, compensation demands can be divided into cents-per-hour increments or lease rates can be quoted as dollars per square foot. ( ③ ) When working to fractionate issues of principle or precedent, parties may use the time horizon (when the principle goes into effect or how long it will last) as a way to fractionate the issue. ( ④ ) Another approach is to vary the number of ways that the principle may be applied. ( ⑤ ) For example, a company may devise a family emergency leave plan that allows employees the opportunity to be away from the company for a period of no longer than three hours, and no more than once a month, for illness in the employee’s immediate family.
* increment: 증가 ** fractionate: 세분하다