Literature can be helpful in the language learning process because of the ____________________ it fosters in readers. Core language teaching materials must concentrate on how a language operates both as a rule-based system and as a sociosemantic system. Very often, the process of learning is essentially analytic, piecemeal, and, at the level of the personality, fairly superficial. Engaging imaginatively with literature enables learners to shift the focus of their attention beyond the more mechanical aspects of the foreign language system. When a novel, play or short story is explored over a period of time, the result is that the reader begins to ‘inhabit’ the text. He or she is drawn into the book. Pinpointing what individual words or phrases may mean becomes less important than pursuing the development of the story. The reader is eager to find out what happens as events unfold; he or she feels close to certain characters and shares their emotional responses. The language becomes ‘transparent’ ― the fiction draws the whole person into its own world.
* sociosemantic: 사회의미론적인 ** transparent: 투명한