Think of yourself. When you decide to get up and get a drink of water, for example, you don’t consciously organize or consider the host of steps involved. Imagine if we ① had to consider every single muscle that needed to be contracted or relaxed just to stand up and walk. It would be tiresome and very slow ― as patients recovering from a brain injury affecting the motor system ② knows The autopilot parts of our brain do it for us automatically, ③ freeing up our conscious mind for more important jobs. It is the older parts of our brain ④ that support these automatic processes that allow us to move, hear, see, and use many of our social skills. More recently evolved abilities like talking, reading, and writing are far less automated. So, most of the time, ⑤ what you are perceiving, feeling, or thinking is based on a very crude and fast analysis that happens completely without your awareness.
* crude: 투박한