통찰력 있는 피이쉐어, 한국 No.1
M Quiz 단어 문법 수능 회화 작문 소설 교과서

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2024학년도 수능 영어 31번

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Over the last decade the attention given to how children learn to read has foregrounded the nature of textuality, and of the different, interrelated ways in which readers of all ages make texts mean. ‘Reading’ now applies to a greater number of representational forms than at any time in the past: pictures, maps, screens, design graphics and photographs are all regarded as text. In addition to the innovations made possible in picture books by new printing processes, design features also predominate in other kinds, such as books of poetry and information texts. Thus, reading becomes a more complicated kind of interpretation than it was when children’s attention was focused on the printed text, with sketches or pictures as an adjunct. Children now learn from a picture book that words and illustrations complement and enhance each other. Reading is not simply ____________. Even in the easiest texts, what a sentence ‘says’ is often not what it means.

* adjunct: 부속물



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