2017학년도 수능 영어 9월 모의평가 (2016/9)
20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
My barely-five-year-old son couldn’t go to bed one night until he wrote “I love you Mom” on a piece of paper. Pajamas on, red crayon in hand, he was very determined. A few mixed-up letters, a couple of crumpled papers, and some help from Daddy later, he handed me his heart on the page. Then, finally, he relaxed enough to fall asleep. Sometimes, saying how you feel just isn’t enough. Spoken words are invisible and untouchable. Write it down, however, and you can see it, feel it, hold it, keep it forever. Although we may think it, we can’t really give someone our heart. But by writing, we can give someone our heart on a page. A love note is a piece of paper that is a little piece of your heart. Teach your child how to write love notes, and I promise you will have many, many happy returns.
* crumpled: 구겨진

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