통찰력 있는 피이쉐어, 한국 No.1
M Quiz 단어 문법 수능 회화 작문 소설 교과서

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2020학년도 수능 영어 9월 모의평가 (2019/9)

21. 밑줄 친 a cage model이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]

For a long time, tourism was seen as a huge monster invading the areas of indigenous peoples, introducing them to the evils of the modern world. However, research has shown that this is not the correct way to perceive it. In most places, tourists are welcome and indigenous people see tourism as a path to modernity and economic development. But such development is always a two-edged sword. Tourism can mean progress, but most often also means the loss of traditions and cultural uniqueness. And, of course, there are examples of ‘cultural pollution’, ‘vulgarization’ and ‘phony-folk-cultures’. The background for such characteristics is often more or less romantic and the normative ideas of a former or prevailing authenticity. Ideally (to some) there should exist ancient cultures for modern consumers to gaze at, or even step into for a while, while travelling or on holiday. This is a cage model that is difficult to defend in a global world where we all, indigenous or not, are part of the same social fabric.

* indigenous: 토착의 ** vulgarization: 상스럽게 함


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