통찰력 있는 피이쉐어, 한국 No.1
M Quiz 단어 문법 회화 작문 교과서 수능 소설

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2014학년도 수능 영어

37. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Oil and gas resources are not likely to be impacted by climate change because they result from a process that takes millions of years and are geologically trapped. _____(A)_____, climate change may not only force the shutting down of oiland gas-producing areas, but increase the possibility of exploration in areas of the Arctic through the reduction in ice cover. Thus, while climate change may not impact these resources, oil and gas reserves and known or potential resources could be affected by new climate conditions, since climate change may affect access to these resources. In Siberia, _____(B)_____, the actual exploration challenge is the time required to access, produce, and deliver oil under extreme environmental conditions, where temperatures in January range from —20℃ to —35℃. Warming may ease extreme environmental conditions, expanding the production frontier.

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1 문맥-빈칸:
앞 문장 (A) 뒤 문장이 부드럽게 연결되어야 한다. (B)도 마찬가지.




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