(영문법 개론을 꼭 공부하세요. 영어가 갑자기 쉬워집니다.)
a world ➡️ the world, the Sun, the sun, the Earth, the earth, the Moon, the moon, the Han River, the 태백산맥, ...
understand < comprehend (포괄적으로) 이해하다
understanding (n.) < comprehension (포괄적인) 이해
understand + able= understandable (adj) < comprehendible (포괄적으로) 이해할 수 있는, comprehensive 포괄적인
able - ability
multi-culture education (X) ➡️ multicultural education (O)
- 형 N >N N
- The door behind you is open. (O) 형
- The door behind you is opened. (X)
- 뜻 + 모양
multiple - multiply (v.)
prefix, suffix
Peter is visiting Korea to meet a friend, Mina, from a sister school.
- I'm from Korea.
- He's from Italy.
- He is in Italy. He lives in Italy.
- sister school >>>>>> brother school
- visit to N (X) ➡️ visit N, approach N, enter N, ...
- go to N (O)
- to 부정의 용법: 부사적 용법, 형용사적 용법, 명사적 용법, 관용적 용법
- To love is to live.
- To forgive is divine.
- To dance is my passion.
- To succeed takes hard work.
- To learn is to grow.
- To teach is to inspire.
- To dream is to imagine.
- To travel is to explore.
- To sing is to express.
- To write is to communicate.
- I have something to eat.
- To see her is to love her. (X) ➡️ poem+ poem + ... = poetry (O), poet 시인
- To solve this problem is hard. (X) ➡️It is hard to solve this problem. 가주어/진주어
- how to solve, what to do, when to go, to be frank with you, ...
Peter is going to stay at her grandfather’s house for a week.
- grandpa, pa, ma, ...
- family tree, extended family, nuclear family
- grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-great- grand-grandparents, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, relative, cousin, granddaughter, grandson, grandchildren, ...
- 장소를 가리킬 때는 일반적으로 at: at your place, at school, at the hospital, at 현대백화점, ...
- in your place
- in 범어동, in Daegu, in Korea, in the world, ...
- home: house, apartment (apartment complex), cave, bus, ...
- will [] (1) 미래 (2) I will [] ~하겠다
- I will help you tomorrow.
- is going to [] (모양: 현재, 뜻: 미래) ~할 예정이다, ~할 계획이다
- is gonna []
- I am gonna help you tomorrow.
- I am planning to [] ~할 계획이다
- I am scheduled to [] ~
- is gonna []
- is going to [] 가고 있다 ~하기 위해서
- want to [] = wanna []
- I wanna help you, but I can't.
When he arrives, Mina shows him the guest room. (O) - 영화 대본 같은 말
When he arrives, Mina will show him the guest room. (O) (tense)
- when he arrives = 미래
- 시간부사절에서는 현재가 미래 뜻이다.
- 부사절 = 빼도 되는 문장
- SV when/as soon as/... SV. (1% = 빼도 되는 문장 = when 부사절 = 시간부사절)
- When SV, SV. (2%)
- 부사 = 빼도 된다
- 절 = 문장
- 부사절 = 빼도 되는 문장
- Mina: Peter, you will stay here. This guest room is full of traditional Korean things. Look at this pillow.
- pillowcase
- The bed consists of a mattress, a spring box, and a frame.
- consist of N ~로 구성되다
- dialect
- consist of N ~로 구성되다
- ~ is full of N
- The forest is full of life.
- The sky is full of stars.
- The ocean is full of fish.
- the Pacific Ocean
- 동해: East Sea
- The world is full of beauty.
- My heart is full of love.
- poop < sh** = swear word
- swear (v.) _________
- laugh (n., v.) - laughter 웃음소
- Cheese is made from milk.
- This car is made of paper.
- circumlocution 돌려말하기
- Stay here. 명령 < You will stay here.
- 화장실이 어디 있어요?
- Where is the bathroom/toilet? < Where can I wash my hands?
- manners
- manner
- Peter: What are these things?
- What VS?
- What made this phenomenon? what(=s) V O?
- 것 SV~ = 관계대명사
- what I want, what I want is what you want.
- What VS?
- Mina: They’re bats.
- Peter: Bats on my pillow? That’s scary!
- Mina: Not really. In Korea, bats are symbols of luck and a long life.
- luck < fortune
- lucky < fortunate - fortunately 운좋게도
- Unfortunately, SV~.
- 난 부자야.
- I am rich. < I am wealthy.
- I am a man/woman of fortune.
- I am a man/woman of wealth.
- lucky < fortunate - fortunately 운좋게도
- bat (n. 2), bat (v.) ___
- 평균수명 = 기대수명 = life expectancy
- expect (v.) _________ - (n.)
- 난 할 일이 있다. (2)
- I have a job to do.
- I have work to do.
- luck < fortune
- Peter: That’s surprising. In many Western countries, bats remind people of darkness and scary things.
- east, eastern, west, western, south, southern, north, northern의 차이점은?
- directions - direct (v.), (adj.)
Mina shows Peter her grandfather’s room. Peter and Mina’s grandfather meet and () greet each other.
- give, is giving, is given, is being given
- 위 문장은 늘 보여준다, 늘 만난다, 늘 인사한다 = 이상! ==> 영화 대본 (어떤 장면을 설명하다)
- meet - met - met
- idiom
- each other
- one another
- greet (v.) ______- greeting ______________
- bow (down), kiss, shaking hands, ...
- '주다' 뜻의 단어를 무엇이라고 부르나요? ___________
- 수여동사는 give, show의 사용법과 기본적으로 같다.
- 수여동사의 종류: give, show, name, send, offer, elect, ...
- I named my dog Happy.
- I sent 민주 100 roses ~.
- elect - I elected 민주 President of Korea - election
- show의 사용법
- show 무엇
- show 누구 무엇
- Mina shows Peter her grandfather’s room.
- Mina shows her grandfather's room to Peter.
- Peter is shown her grandfather's room by Mina. 능동 > 수동
- Her grandfather's room is shown to Peter by Mina.
- show - showed - *shown/showed
- give의 사용법
- I gave 민주 5천원.
- = I gave 5천원 to 민주.
- = 민주 was given 5천원 by me.
- = 5천원 was given to 민주 by me.
- Grandfather: Hi, Peter! Have you ever seen this kind of lock before?
- 명사 규칙: kind of lock = sort of lock
- 민주 has some kind of problem.
- kind 친절한, 종류
- determiner: 관형사(X)
- kinda, sorta = 글 쓸 때는 사용하면 틀린다
- kind of = sort of = 민주 is kind of a genius.
- have pp (과거~현재)
- 시간 연결 강조: 쭉 ~한다
- 과거 강조: ever ~한 적이 있다, before 전에
- Have you ever read my book, 영문법개론(, before)?
- _________________________________________________________
- 현재 강조: now
- I - father - grandfather - great-grandfather - great-great-grandfather - ...
- family tree 족보
- extended family, nuclear family
- uncle, aunt, nephew, 질녀 = 여자조카 = niece, grandchildren, ...
- family tree 족보
- 명사 규칙: kind of lock = sort of lock
- Peter: No, I haven’t. It’s so old that I can’t really tell, but is it a fish?
- so ~ that ~ (can)
- enough ~ to [] 말이 되는 경우가 많다
- 민주 has enough money to buy a car.
- 민주 has so much money that she can buy a car.
- so ~ that ~ (cannot)
- too ~ to [] 말이 되는 경우가 많다
- This plate is too hot to touch.
- This plate is so hot that we cannot touch.
- a fish, two fish, three fish, ...
- a fish, two fishes, three fishes, ...
- too 역시/또한, 너무
- so 그래서, 매우, 그렇게
- It's not that important.
- It's not so important.
- so ~ that ~ (can)
- Grandfather: Yes. For a long time, Koreans have thought that fish are good guards. Fish don’t close their eyes, even when they sleep.
- a fish is
- two fish are
- two fishes are
- fish are
- even 심지어, 평평한, 짝수
- Peter: That’s interesting.
- The sheep were happily bleating in the pasture. (deer)
- Grandfather: We think (that) fish can watch over valuable things. That’s why this lock looks like a fish.
- Why
- 질문: 의문사: 왜~?
- 질문 X
- 이유 SV~: I know why you love 민주. (대화)
- 그 이유 때문에 SV~: I know the reason why you love 민주. (고급)
- look like = resemble 닮다 = That's why this lock resembles a fish.
- value 가치 - valuable 가치있는, 소중한 - invaluable 매우 가치가 있는 - valueless 가치없는
- price 가격 - priceless 값진, 소중한
- timeless
- see (3), look (쳐다보다) at N, watch (감시하듯이) 본다 - watchman = guard
- I will be seeing you tomorrow. I'll see you again.
- I see.
- Why
- Peter: Now I understand.
They go outside and walk around the garden.
- Peter: What is on that piece of paper? It looks scary.
- a piece of paper, two pieces of paper
- a sheet of paper, ...
- look 형
- Grandfather: Do you mean this painting of a rooster?
- mean (v.)
- he's mean (adj.)
- rooster, hen
- Peter: Oh, is it a rooster?
- Grandfather: Yes, it is. Roosters crow every morning. Their crowing means that a new day is beginning. For many years, Koreans have believed evil spirits go away when a rooster crows.
- crow (n.)
- scarecrow (n.) 허수아비
- Mina: Really? I’ve never heard that before.
- Peter: Actually, I’m afraid of darkness and evil spirits. Could you draw a rooster for me, Mina?
- draw - drew - drawn
- Mina: Sure. I’ll draw a big rooster for you!
- Grandfather: Put the drawing above your door. Then it will protect you.
- protect - protection
- Peter: Yes, I will.
Peter’s Diary
- diary
- dairy
May 28
- May 28th
- the 28th day of May
I’m enjoying this trip so much that I want to stay longer.
- stay longer
I love all the traditional Korean symbols in this house. Now I understand a lot of them. I want to visit Korea again with my family.
- visit, enter, approach, attend N
- attendance check