통찰력 있는 피이쉐어, 한국 No.1
M Quiz 단어 문법 회화 작문 교과서 수능 소설

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(영문법 개론을 꼭 공부하세요. 영어가 갑자기 쉬워집니다.)

My Happy Everyday Life
  • 위 표현에서 가장 중요한 단어는 life입니다. Life를 설명하는 단어는 모두 몇 개입니까?
  • everyday와 every day는 사용법이 다릅니다. 어떻게 다르죠?
  • My Happy, Everyday Life로 표현해도 될까요?


Teen Talk: My Favorite Time of the Day
  • Starbucks 커피점에 가면, Coffee of the Day라는 메뉴가 있습니다. 이 표현에서 the day의 뜻은?




I’m 15 years old, and I live in Korea.

Please tell me about your favorite time of the day.

You can also show me some pictures.



Hi, my name is Diego, and I live in Seville, Spain.

My favorite time of the day is lunch time.

My school usually ends around 2 p.m.

On most days, my family gets together and has a big, long lunch.

We usually have soup, vegetables, and meat.

We also have a dessert like churros.

After lunch, we usually take a siesta, a short nap.

Both my father and I like to sleep under the tree in our garden.




My name is Tabin, and I live near the Gobi Desert in Mongolia.

I’m happy when I ride my horse.

Horses are important in our culture.

Almost everyone can ride a horse in Mongolia.

In fact, we say, “We ride horses before we can walk.”


I take good care of my horse.

I often brush him and give him some carrots.

I enjoy riding especially in the evening before the sunset.

Then the sky is red, and everything is peaceful.




I’m Musa, and I live in Nairobi, Kenya.

My favorite time of the day is our running practice time.

My friend, Tamu, and I are on the school’s running team.

I’m happiest when I run with Tamu.

Our practice time isn’t boring because we can see many animals.


Many runners from Kenya won races in the Olympics.

I’m so proud of them. Both Tamu and I want to be like them.