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오늘의 한마디

2023학년도 수능 영어 31번, 해설 (문제 풀이)

31. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

There is something deeply paradoxical about the professional status of sports journalism, especially in the medium of print. In discharging their usual responsibilities of description and commentary, reporters’ accounts of sports events are eagerly consulted by sports fans, while in their broader journalistic role of covering sport in its many forms, sports journalists are among the most visible of all contemporary writers. The ruminations of the elite class of ‘celebrity’ sports journalists are much sought after by the major newspapers, their lucrative contracts being the envy of colleagues in other ‘disciplines’ of journalism. Yet sports journalists do not have a standing in their profession that corresponds to the size of their readerships or of their pay packets, with the old saying (now reaching the status of cliché) that sport is the ‘toy department of the news media’ still readily to hand as a dismissal of the worth of what sports journalists do. This reluctance to take sports journalism seriously produces the paradoxical outcome that sports newspaper writers are much read but little __________.

* discharge: 이행하다 ** rumination: 생각 *** lucrative: 돈을 많이 버는

해설 (문제 풀이)

빈칸 문제는 어렵지 않습니다.


특히, 빈칸 문제 중에서도 글의 마지막 부분에 빈칸이 있거나 첫 부분에 빈칸이 있는 것은 꽤  쉬운 문제입니다. 기억하세요. 빈칸의 위치에 따라 중요하게 읽어야 할 부분이 정해진다.


중요하게 읽어야 할 부분은,

There is something deeply paradoxical about the professional status of sports journalism, especially in the medium of print.


Yet sports journalists do not have a standing in their profession that corresponds to the size of their readerships or of their pay packets, with the old saying (now reaching the status of cliché) that sport is the ‘toy department of the news media’ still readily to hand as a dismissal of the worth of what sports journalists do. This reluctance to take sports journalism seriously produces the paradoxical outcome that sports newspaper writers are much read but little __________.


첫 문장을 이해하면, 쉽게 풀 수 있는 문제입니다.

Sports newspaper writers are much read but little respected. 답에 respected가 없네요? 그럼, 비슷한 단어를 찾으면 되겠죠? 참고로, admire와 respect는 뜻이 좀 다릅니다.

  • respect < admire

    Respect: Respect is a feeling of deep admiration or esteem for someone or something based on their qualities, achievements, or capabilities. It involves recognizing their value, dignity, or worthiness. Respect is often associated with admiration, but it can also stem from recognizing someone's authority, expertise, or adherence to principles.

    Admire: Admire is a specific form of respect that refers to feeling a high degree of approval, appreciation, or reverence for someone's qualities, achievements, or actions. Admiration is typically associated with finding someone inspiring, praiseworthy, or commendable. It involves a sense of liking, being impressed, or having positive feelings towards the person or their accomplishments.

    In summary, respect is a broader term that encompasses recognizing and valuing someone or something, while admiration is a more focused and intense form of respect that involves appreciating and finding someone or something highly commendable or inspiring.


알아야 할 표현:

  • 글자 그대로가 아니라 문맥을 이해하는 사람들에게는 hand as a dismissal을 쉽게 이해했을 것 같습니다. 한국어로 하면, '장난감처럼 손쉽게 사용하고 버려버린다, 또는 무시한다'는 뜻으로 이해하면 되겠습니다.
  • cliché가 좀 어려운 단어인데, 별표에 없네요. 
  • medium + medium + ... = media
  • little과 a little의 차이
    • 5시간 산책을 하면서 물을 1병 가지고 갔다고 가정해 봅시다. 2시간 지났는데, 물병의 물이 1/5만 남았을 때, 어떤 사람은 I have little water left라고 말하고, 또 어떤 사람은 똑같은 양의 물인데 I have a little water left라고 말합니다. 누가 더 긍정적인 사람인가요?
      • I have little water left.
      • I have a little water left.
    • a few, few, quite a few도 다 같은 아이디어입니다.