통찰력 있는 피이쉐어, 한국 No.1
M Quiz 단어 문법 회화 작문 교과서 수능 소설

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오늘의 한마디

2022학년도 수능 영어 42번, 해설 (문제 풀이)

42. 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Classifying things together into groups is something we do all the time, and it isn’t hard to see why. Imagine trying to shop in a supermarket where the food was arranged in random order on the shelves: tomato soup next to the white bread in one aisle, chicken soup in the back next to the 60-watt light bulbs, one brand of cream cheese in front and another in aisle 8 near the cookies. The task of finding what you want would be (a) time-consuming and extremely difficult, if not impossible.

In the case of a supermarket, someone had to (b) design the system of classification. But there is also a ready-made system of classification embodied in our language. The word “dog,” for example, groups together a certain class of animals and distinguishes them from other animals. Such a grouping may seem too (c) abstract to be called a classification, but this is only because you have already mastered the word. As a child learning to speak, you had to work hard to (d) learn the system of classification your parents were trying to teach you. Before you got the hang of it, you probably made mistakes, like calling the cat a dog. If you hadn’t learned to speak, the whole world would seem like the (e) unorganized supermarket; you would be in the position of an infant, for whom every object is new and unfamiliar. In learning the principles of classification, therefore, we’ll be learning about the structure that lies at the core of our language.

해설 (문제 풀이)

일반적으로 30번 단어 문제보다 더 쉽습니다. 읽어야 할 글이 좀 더 길어서 이해하기에 쉬운 글로 문제를 내는 것 같습니다.


41번을 풀면서 (a), (b)는 해결됩니다. (b) 다음 문장부터 (e) 문장까지 읽으면서, 반대 뜻의 단어가 들어가야 할지 확인하며 읽습니다. 어려운 말이 아니기 때문에 빨리 읽을 수 있습니다.


Classifying things together into groups is something we do all the time, and it isn’t hard to see why. ~ The task of finding what you want would be (a) time-consuming and extremely difficult, if not impossible.

In the case of a supermarket, someone had to (b) design the system of classification. ~ In learning the principles of classification, therefore, we’ll be learning about the structure that lies at the core of our language.

(a), (b) – 적절한 단어입니다.


Such a grouping may seem too (c) abstract to be called a classification, but this is only because you have already mastered the word.

(c) – 적절하지 않습니다. 위 4문장을 통해서 확인한 것은 classifying 하는 것이 좋다는 내용입니다. Grouping 하는 게 classification이라 부르기에 너무 추상적(abstract)이라고 하니, 글 흐름과는 반대되는 뜻입니다. Obvious, clear 등으로 바꿔야 합니다.


설명한 방법이 익숙해지면, 지문을 처음부터 끝까지 빠르게 읽으면서도 쉽게 답을 찾을 수 있습니다.


알아야 할 표현

  • too ~ to [], 너무 ~ 해서 ~할 수 없다. (X)
    • It’s too hard to explain. 너무 어렵다 설명하기에. = 설명하기가 너무 어렵다. (O)