통찰력 있는 피이쉐어, 한국 No.1
M Quiz 단어 문법 회화 작문 교과서 수능 소설

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오늘의 한마디


opium wars 아편 전쟁(들)

When were the opium wars?에서 

  • 주어? ____________
  • 동사? ___________
  • when의 정체는? __________________________
    • The Opium Wars were when. 주어 동사 순으로 하면... 그럼, 알 수 있는 것은? is + 보어
      • 보어(complement)는 모양이 형용사, 명사, 전치사+명사, that SV, ... 말이 되면, 다 된다.
    • The Korean War
    • The Civil War
  • What color do you like?
    • what의 정체는? 형용사 
      • 왜? color를 설명하는 말
  • Why do you like my car? 부사
  • 학교 또는 학원에서 what, when, why, ...을 의문사라고 합니다. 하지만, 의문사라는 구분은 영어에 없습니다.

The Manchus ruled China for more than 250 years, from 1644 to 1912.

  • 2초 초과: more than 2 seconds
  • 2초 이상: 2 or more than 2 seconds       > at least 2 seconds (terminology X)
  • 2초 이하: 2 or less than 2 seconds           > at most 2 seconds, maxium of 2 seconds
  • 2초 미만: less than 2 seconds
  • rule (v.) _____________ - ruler (n. 2) 자, 통치자
  • The Manchus

This time is referred to as the Qing dynasty. In the early 1800s, British merchants started to trade opium illegally from India to China. Despite the fact that the addictive dangers of opium were well known, the British government backed the merchants. They wanted to force China to accept more open trade.

The first Opium War broke out in 1839. It started when Chinese officials seized 20,000 chests of opium in Guangzhou. It ended with the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. Under the terms of this treaty, Hong Kong became a British colony and more Chinese seaports were opened up to European trade. A second Opium War (1856 to 1860) extended the trading rights of European nations in China. Under Manchu rule, all Chinese males had to follow the tradition of wearing their hair in a pigtail. This was seen as a sign of loyalty to the Qing dynasty.

*The island of Hong Kong came under British control in 1842, and Britain later gained part of the nearby Kowloon Peninsula. Control of Hong Kong passed back to the Chinese government in 1997.