통찰력 있는 피이쉐어, 한국 No.1
M Quiz 단어 문법 회화 작문 교과서 수능 소설

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오늘의 한마디

Air pressure check (서연, 수연)

You will need:

  • water
  • a drinking glass or glass jar
  • a small piece of construction paper



Air pushes from all sides on everyone and everything on the surface of the Earth. It even pushes upwards. You can show this by doing the following experiment. If the construction paper is too soft, or if the glass isn't completely full, this experiment will not work. You will spill the water. Do this experiment over a sink or outside.



1. Fill the glass right to the top with water. Put the construction paper over the mouth of the glass.



2. Hold the card firmly in place and carefully but quickly turn the glass upside down.

3. Take your hand away from the construction paper. It will stay in place and hold the water in the container. The air below the construction paper is pushing hard enough to keep it in place.